A months of finds

These are my pre decimal finds for the last month the sixpence from east coast and the three threepences from a river bank and also found about 5 dollars in decimals been a hard few months


Well, some silvers is better than none: keep plugging away (pun intended), more treasures to be found :slight_smile:


I like pre-decimal Aussie coins. Another detecorist gave me an Aussie penny thats the same age as me. If I can’t decide on a trivial decision I toss that coin and act on how it lands.


that’s a neat gift!
A toss of the coin for minor decisions is also fun

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Hi Drystone. I got the idea from a book called ‘The Dice Man’ which I never read but was about a guy who made decisions by throwing a dice.
Throwing a coin is a simple ‘Boolean’ operator like ‘And - Or’.


Hey Karl,
I was going to say had you read that book…:laughing:

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