That was easy. Download the update, run it from Win10 or Mac. Connect the detector with the charge cable and it picks it up. I used a laptop which I think is safer because if there is a power outage the laptop battery takes over. Also you are not charging the detector, just ‘re-flashing’ it.
It takes a couple of minutes and when complete you have an extra frequency of 4kHz in your Equinox. Also better stability apparently. Too wet outside to test it
Yep easy to do , and if you dont like the new update then the option is there to roll it back to whatever version you prefer . This is a great service being provided by Minelab . I have been running my Nox with the latest version for a couple of weeks , have not found any use for 4Khz yet and i haven’t noticed any difference in stability . But , the machine has lost none of it’s ability so i will just continue running this version .