Lake Burbury EOY Trip

As I reluctantly drove back to Launceston on Monday I was thinking what a great trip it had been . If there was any members staying longer , and a shower was available I think I would have just turned around and gone back to camp ! Thanks go to PMAT management , and Colin’s awesome hospitality . Sitting around the campfire at Col’s each evening listening to all the topics from the attending members , and sampling Col’s tasty smoked salmon off the barby was great . On Sunday night when most members had left he produced the tastiest piece of salmon I have ever eaten !
Also a couple of trips out fishing saw me catch my first ever trout from Lake Burbury , we won’t talk about the size though , thanks again Colin.
I hunted coins and relics every day in hot conditions and scrub that has grown a hell of a lot in the last few years since my last trip . Found 27 coins all up and a couple of cool relics .
These are my keepers.

The top of an 1800’s cash register comes from a register like this . National model 8

The beer barrel bung is collectable although in poor condition . The company operated in Launceston from 1885 - 1917 when they were bought out by Esk brewery .

Pretty happy with the Port plate from the site of the old North Lyall Hotel [ thanks Col] . Dave Hawley and I managed to find this site after some bush bashing . We started out with Warren keeping us company but he gave up only a few minutes short of the site . Rumour has it that he had some difficulty finding his way back to the car ? :grin:

Altogether a great trip with weather unlike any I have experienced on the West Coast before . Hopefully we can do it again next year . Thanks all .


Here’s an advertising poster from the Scott & Griffiths brewery .


You guys got lucky with the weather again. Nice pre-decimal silver coins and I like the HEC power pole marker. Good on you!

This weekend is another story, just discovered a new creek flowing down my driveway :smile:


Yeh weather was something else Karl . A new creek in Beaky ! Did ya take a pan or two from it ? :grin:

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Fantastic relic finds well done :+1:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

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