Moving to Hobart - new to Tas prospecting

Hi all,

II am relocating for work to Hobart for 3 years in a few weeks. ive been prospecting since a kid, Sluicing and panning creeks, I’ve done along the East Coast of Aus and in the golden triangle with detectors as that was close to my home.

I currently have a equinox 800, all my own gear plus a home built sluice and wanting to get out into the fields and creeks asap.

So, a few questions -

  • Any gold shops in Hobart?
  • Any advice for someone looking to get out there?

I’m pretty friendly and happy to tag along or catch up with people to camp out at spots too, so happy to catch up with anyone if they are keen.

Appreciate any advice or comments back

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G’day mate, welcome to Tassie. You’ll probably find out that the bush is a lot thicker than you’re used to and getting to a spot isn’t always as easy as it looks on the map.
Check out MRT maps for historical gold mines and keep an eye on TasAlert to see when the area is on fire for easy access for a few months.
I’m up North so not sure about shops in Hobart, but come to one of the PMAT meetings and join up and I’m sure you’ll meet people who can point you in the right direction.

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Hi @Moose, welcome!

I don’t think there are any gold shops in Hobart, as most of the gold is up north or out west.

Hi Moose,
Welcome to Tassie and the PMAT forum :slightly_smiling_face:

Whilst Hobart is the adventure sports capital, it doesn’t offer too much in the gold or gem department, with most fossicking/prospecting done on the west, northwest and north east of the state.

In terms of information, this forum is a good start, as is the excellent Apple Isle Prospector page

The PMAT AGM is coming up soon and is being held at Mathinna on the 15th March.
This is a good opportunity to meet up with like minded people.



Hi Moose, Welcome. Lune river for Agates is a must while your here.

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