Trip to Salisbury, Sat 12 Oct 2024

Hi everyone,

We’ve been given permission by Kingfisher to access the small goldfield on Salisbury Hill (thank @Drystone!), so we will be heading there on Saturday 12 October.

There is not really anywhere to camp in the area, so we will have a daytrip only. Meet at 9:00 am.


Salisbury hill is approximately between Sidmouth and Flowery Gully, south of Beaconsfield. The easiest way to get there is to turn west from the West Tamar Hwy into Flowery Gully Rd, and about 550 m after the turnoff, turn south into Salisbury Hill Rd. The road turns into a 4WD fire break for the last 400 m or so under some powerlines.

The meeting area is marked on the map below with the red arrow, and the main prospective area is the gully and southern slopes of the hill, marked with a blue circle.

If you have a GPS, the coordinates for the meeting area are S-41.24972, E146.84329.

Areas & Gear

There is no running water, so this is metal-detecting only. Much of the area south of the road and along the western fall of the hill is private property and we don’t have permission to access there.

The area under the blue circle has historical alluvial and hard-rock workings, and nuggets have been found in the recent past. The largest nugget from the alluvial area was a 22-ounce piece found in 1880.

This area has high-voltage distribution lines nearby, so VLFs may actually work better, or you may have to tone down your sensitivity depending on how close to the powerlines you are. I have used an SDC and found gold in the area, but I had to tone it down significantly.

Here’s a LIDAR image of the workings on the alluvial area.

The other main area is Eaglehawk Gully, on the northern side of the hill (green circle). There is a line of alluvial workings along the gully draining into Middle Arm Creek (which also as gold and a small amount of ossie). There are sparse prospecting holes through a large part of Salisbury hill.


If coming along and working either of the two areas, please keep in mind that Salisbury has a large number of very deep, uncapped shafts and prospecting pits. It is not very child-friendly, and we will run a sign-in and sign-out sheet to make sure we can account for everyone at the end of the day.


Fantastic, thank you, looking forward to it.:+1:t2:


Won’t be able to make it this trip unfortunately
Good luck everyone


Hi I’m new to the group and wondering how these trips work. Is there a fee for these field trips?


Just show up on the day and bring $20 cash which will cover your PMAT membership for a year and then all field trips and meet ups are free.


What a great day out again that was, great weather, and fantastic company. My thanks to @drystone and Miguel for organising the day, to Kingfisher for allowing us on the lease and to Ron for all the detail and history he supplied on the location.


How did everyone go today?
Would have been a beautiful day for it


Two small nuggets found in the first part of the day, and a late find just before I left of about 2g


The area has been worked pretty hard over the years, but it was good to get out and catch up with everybody, and I made fuel money( lucky I don’t live far away!). 0.22g.


Nice speccie Dave. Thanks to PMAT for putting-on an enjoyable day. Ron’s knowledge of the area was very interesting.

I only found one relic in the thick scrub above Salisbury Road but It’s good to know it’s possible :slight_smile:


Unfortunately could only make it out for a few hours on Saturday but it was great to catch up. Thanks to everyone who helped organise the day. I detected this little piece on a working on top of the hill weighing in at 0.4 of a gram.


Nice harmonica cover Karl . A brand I haven’t seen before .


I had a long hard day on the field trip , no relics at all . Late in the day in the alluvial area I hit a nice shallow non ferrous signal that I thought would be a button . Turned out to be my biggest ever nugget at 3.17grams , beating my best previous of .58gm by a long way ! Contains some quartz and ironstone but I think it should yield around 2.5 grams of gold .
Thanks to everybody that made another great day out possible.


That’s a beauty, it cleaned up nicely.


Hi Curt, there are some here. My first and proably last :slight_smile:
It was in a hut site cut into the side of the hill.


I think you found this with the Manticore? As Miguel said ‘try the sluiced area’ :grin: